Ari Witkes
Witkes Law Firm is a fully compliant, turn-key, profitable law practice that runs on its own and has constant growth.
My team is dedicated, loves to work at WLF and lives by our Core Values
WLF is LOVED by our clients, the consumers we serve – We make a positive impact
Build a law practice that provides, not just intelligent, but meaningful representation
Be a generous leader.
Unifying Strategies:
Build law firm that has clear OPUS; Runs on EOS & utilizes Strategic Coach
Create solid core processes then market and network like crazy
Constantly seek ways to improve as a person, attorney, and leader. (Build competence in Creditors Rights, Corporate Law, Trust and Estate, M&A, A/R financing – know the industry inside out. Build competence in finance)
Delegate, elevate, make leaders within WLF
Make deep connections with business owners in Cleveland and larger community.
Increase revenue of clients:
Leverage technology – utilize and innovate the newest technology
Prevent lawsuits through strict compliance standards
Consistently meet with mentors - “Master Mind”
Give generously – Give more than your get. *Letters/notes to people/Financial literacy training courses/Give time and compliments to companies/people.
Provide clients with end to end legal business services
Deep relationship with clients.
Lawsuits filed throughout Ohio
Built efficient turnkey systems.
We attract new clients, from current client’s referrals.
WLF has a team that lives with purpose. Goals/OPUS.
We offer more than just debt collection services (Contracts, Trust & Estates…).
I’ve recovered 100k (DONE), 500K (DONE), 1M (DONE), 20M, 100M+.
First 25k to charity (DONE), 50k (DONE), 100K, 500K+.
WLF has licensed to practice law in other states
Law firm awards / records / recognized as law firm that exceeds expectations.
My Purpose
To make a positive impact on every person that interacts with WLF. To support my team in an all-encompassing way. To provide for my family and community abundantly. To give a lot of charity.
My Scorecard
Everyone on my team has an OPUS and is working towards achieving personal and professional goals.
WLF has reviews from clients / debtors acknowledging our impact.
WLF has given 100K, 200K, 500K … to Charity.
WLF has annual fees over 500K, 750K, 1M, 2M.
1. Worldview/Life Philosophies: I believe ...
G-d is ONE.
G-d is actively creating the world at every moment.
G-d is with me. My soul is a piece of G-d and has unlimited capacity.
G-d is Good.
My purpose is to reveal G-d in the world by living as a channel for G-d's will.
The world was created for me. I was created to serve my creator.
Every person is a world. One small act or smile to another can change the world.
The world is on a balance-scale; Doing good tips the scale and perpetuates good. Do good, refrain from bad.
Everything has a time and place. Everything happens for a reason. Everything I experience is a lesson in life and in serving G-d.
By nature, the mind controls the heart. I have control and can choose my thoughts, speech and actions. I control my destiny. A person is where their desire/will is. Change your will, change your life. All choices and actions have consequences. Level Up.
Love your fellow as you love yourself. Treat others the same way you would want to be treated.
Speak another's praise and positive traits, never their negative ones.
Love peace and pursue peace. Lead with empathy.
Our body keeps the score – tune in and take care of it; My body is the vessel for my soul. A hole in the body makes a hole in the soul.
Ego is the enemy. Be a channel. Choose to lose your sense of self for something greater.
I am a work in progress. Building self is a never-ending process.
Greatness over time is in direct correlation to growth over time. Never stop learning.
Man was made to toil. Talent x effort = skill. Skill x effort = achievement. Effort counts twice.
Embrace pain. Mental toughness is proceeding past discomfort.
If you would like to achieve great success, plant in your mind a great motive.
The intensity of your focus will determine the range of your accomplishment. I get from life what I demand from it.
We act consistent with who we believe we are.
Don't be a complainer. Excuses are weak. Never be a victim. Do something. An act is worth more than a thousand sighs. Action and doing is most important - “Maasah hu ha’ikar.”
There is no measure of anger that is good.
Think good and it will really be good. Be biased towards positivity.
Live each day as if it is the most important day of your entire life, because it is.
There is no such thing as ultimate failure, only lessons. Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s the best educator. Fail forward.
Life is transient – don’t take personal problems too seriously. It’s a blessing to be alive.
Every person has something to teach me. No one is beneath me.
Bad thinking is the problem, challenge your thinking.
There are more than two solutions to solving a problem, develop alternatives.
When you take care of others, G-d takes care of you. Always be ready to give.
Do something to make another's life better. Take care of those closest to you first.
Wisdom comes from deep learning, experiences/application, unrelenting curiosity, and self-reflection.
Everyone desires ‘connection’ - greet others first. Be curious and vulnerable.
Everything I have is a gift from G-d. G-d deposited it to me to utilize it for good.
Embrace being hard on self without being down on self. The highest performers create internal dissonance intentionally.
There are two ways to live life: You can see what you want or see what’s standing in the way of what you want. Focus on wants and make them musts. Any obstacle can be overcome.
Sacrifice the perfect for the good. Done is better than perfect. Adopt a bias towards action
Procrastination leads to regret. Eliminate excuses and take action. If it can be done now, do it.
Be your own authority. Know what you believe with crystal clarity. Say ‘no’ more.
Truth in love. Sometimes you have to be ‘cruel’ to be kind.
Power is organized knowledge, expressed through intelligent action.
Do more than what you get paid to do. Focus on creating value for others.
Be – Do – Have. Think right, then act, then you will have. Most people do the opposite.
Train your mind to see what your eyes cannot. Embrace vision over visibility.
Don’t ask if it can be done, ask if it should be done. If it should be done, do it – Hashem will take care of the results. The main thing is to take action.
The things that are good for me don't always feel good.
The facing of death brings an invaluable gift for life. Face death in order to live a more authentic life.
Teshuva is available at any moment and for any person. Do Teshuva right away because you don’t know when your time is up.
Hurt people, hurt people. Don’t take anything personally. Let go even if someone does wrong to you.
Don’t make assumptions. Assumptions are made and most are wrong. If you can discover the facts, do so.
The pain of change is much less painful than the pain of staying the same.
You must have discipline to succeed at anything. Don’t be swayed by your heart or eyes. Take possession of your mind.
Never be satisfied, Contentment is the enemy. The journey is the destination.
Reading and studying are two different things. Always be a wise student. “Talmud Chacham”.
A truly happy person is one that is happy with his lot. Celebrate others wins, never be jealous.
Don’t talk about people, talk about ideas.
Identity: Who I am becoming as I live and work.
I am a Jew. [I know and believe G-d is One. I trust G-d. I love and fear G-d.]
I am a Ben Melech. I am light. I am a Master of Kindness. I do right.
I earnestly strive to be constructive in every thought, speech and deed.
I am a Husband - committed to Love, Peace, Fun and Growth.
I am a father - Present, Loving and Caring. A Father that sees the full potential of my children and pushes them to put in the effort and keep practicing. I provide the emotional and intellectual support to my children, so they are confident, humble, diligent, resilient, responsible and achieve maximum success.
I am a Constant student. I am a work in progress.
I am an Optimist. I believe everything is Good.
I am a Giver.
I don’t settle for mediocre; I challenge the status quo and raise the bar.
I am Truthful. I stand up for the truth.
Be Here Now: Embrace each Moment. Don’t worry. Slow down. “Bli Lachatz”
Strive for Peak Performance: Give Your All
Chase Greatness: Pursue Excellence
Radiate Love: Love out Loud
Model the way.
I love to challenge and expand my mind/thinking (read, think, write, learn deeply).
I love to connect to my G-d through learning the Torah (G-ds gift and blueprint), Mitzvot, Tefilah, Acts of Kindness.
I love to give Tzedakah, Contribute, Help Others
I love to connect deeply with others (especially those closest to me)
I love to appreciate the beauty of nature (walks/hikes)
I love to challenge my body to its limits
I love to play competitive sports with a team
I love to play active sports
I love to challenge myself and others
I love to disconnect and rejuvenate (go on vacation / reset)
I love to feed my curiosity (explore - new places, try new foods,)
I love to feel put together (dress nicely, wear nice clothes)
I love to write
I love to share wisdom with others
I love to listen/play to music
I love to brainstorm
I love to learn from others
I love to bring people together
I love to challenge and fight dogma
I love good quality things
I love to learn about the best leaders and top performers
I love enjoying memories.
Start off day with Cheshbon and plan day out - Sept Monthly Reflection 2024 .pptx - Write three most important things to do each day
Tefilah - Chitas
Sunday Discipline: Review WIP-PPP, plan out/schedule week, set PA’s
Spend 15-30 min in Upbase organizing day
Email Management
Time management / Calendar management